Going to university will be one of the best decisions you ever make. You’ll make lifelong friends, discover new talents, and graduate with the qualifications and skills you need to start a fantastic career. With one of the most ethnically diverse student populations in the UK, comprising around 60 nationalities on campus, the University of Bolton is proud to welcome both postgraduates and undergraduates from all across the world into a friendly learning environment.
We are very pleased to announce the opening of our new South Asian Branch Office in India. The new office is based in Bangalore, India and will be the first point of contact for all Indian and Nepalese Applicants and will manage the admission’s process after an unconditional offer has been made.
Programmes designed by our education experts is a broad, balanced and comprehensive curricula that meets the educational needs of every aspirants for further study.
These are the common tests taken for the University of Bolton.
The minimum scores required are mentioned below:
IELTS – Overall score of 6 with no less than 5.5 in each component
Duolingo – Overall score of 100 with no less than 85 in each component
PTE – Overall score of 50 with no less than 42 in each component
3rd Floor
1 Tate Lane,
Near Shoolay Circle
Richmond Town
Bangalore 560025
+91 8971 326 849
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